Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Episode 46: Happy Anniversary

One year of doing this podcast. We talk about the games we have been playing, like Star Ocean: The Last Hope, 50 Cent Blood on the Sand, Noby Noby Boy, Killzone 2 demo, Peggle, and some more Mercenaries 2. So get out your party favors and celebrate with us, or don't... but Gus would say, "that is whack".

Download it here

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Episode 45: Phil is ba....... OH A CONTEST!!!!

This week Phil comes back, Kush is out, We have a n00b join us, The Gamer Geek, and we are giving a game away. Listen to this week's show as we talk about Flower, GTA IV Lost and the Damned, Loco Roco 2, LIT, Tales of Symphonia, Burnout Paradise, Sonic Ultimate Genesis Collection, Street Fighter IV. We reminisce on our first completed games. And if you know the secret Phrase, send it to for a chance to win a game of your choice.

Come Back Next week for our 1 year anniversary.

Download the episode here

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Episode 44: Rob Hates Killzone 2

After the great hard drive crash of 2009, the crew is back. They mostly talk about what they have been playing, who Gus is plugging, and how Valentine's day is around the corner... and what are they doing for their special ladies... Plus Rob hates Killzone... that is all.

Download it here