Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Distributed Failure Episode 37: I was wrong

This week we are Gusless again. But we still soldier on. We go in to the workings of, talk about the deluge of games we have been playing, including MK VS DCU, Mirrors Edge, Kingdom for Keflings, Last Remnant, and more about how awesome Left 4 Dead is. And here is shocker, Rob admits he was wrong about something. Want to know what it was, you will have to listen. This plus Listener Questions. Its another Failure... Distributed Failure.

Download it here

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Distributed Failure Episode 36: Shiver me Horny-toads

Gus makes his return, and talks about Valkyria Chronicles along with Rob. Then Kush and Rob talk about fighting a Horde of Zombies in Left 4 Dead. How much fun is it really to be thrown through a Window by a TANK. Information on Tomb Raider Underworld for the 360, and our thoughts on the NXE and the community games. All this and you reader questions...

(We dont have any reader questions, so send us some at

Download here

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Distributed Failure Episode 35: Aww Come on

Gus took a time to hang out with friends this week and could not make the show, but he did call in for What he was playing. We chainsaw our way through a Gears of War 2 discussion. Rob talks about the demo of Bolt on 360 and Kush rants about Spider-man: Web of Shadows. We talk about douchbaggery in the video game business in the news. And Kush hates Bill. This week on the Distributed Failure Podcast

A pretty good show this week.

Download the podcast here

Friday, November 7, 2008

Distributed Failure Episode 34: Fallout

This show we have a short round table before Gus' Mic dies... again. We talk about the Home Beta, Resistance 2, the Mirrors Edge demo as well as talk about Little Big Planet. And should Rob buy Gears of War 2 at Walmart because he missed the Midnight launch. All this and more, its another episode of failure... Distributed Failure.

Episode 34